Monday, October 02, 2006

We're back

We were lost...very lost in the web world. We created this site and then forgot even what our name was. Thanks to the help from our friends we now know who we are and can share life again.
Lots of life has occurred...the big stuff: bought house. moved. had baby. traveled to CO for YL camp and family. started new ministry. linds to seminary. drew got new job as part time tennis coach. been busy. love fall. training for a 1/2 marathon race. love our baby. he grows, smiles, talks, uses hands, holds our hearts!

Do you feel caught up? :)

We want to add pics. Still need help with that part!


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Glad you're back on the blog! Let me know if I can help - I meant to do that when I was at your house! Hope to see you soon!!! :)


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