Friday, January 05, 2007

Snowed IN!

Elijah is relaxing after a bath at Grandma and Grandpa's he takes a bath in a new, clean, plastic concrete mixing tub....Grandpa's invention so that we don't have to bring our tub here!
My parent's house all covered in a foot of snow!!! So fun and pretty. Non-stop shoveling for Grandpa!!!

Again! This is major Colorado snowstorm number 3 in 3 weeks and number two in 5 days of our visit! We drove to Colorado with our friend Lauren last week to miss the storm which hit 12 hours after we arrived. We've been having fun playing snow football (Drew tried to have sister Laura and I run a hook and latter but we failed!), sledding on the streets, and watching Elijah! There are many eventful Elijah happenings. Since we've been here he's learned how to:
-Sit up!!
-Roll over (tummy to back)
-Laugh!! (he laughed hard at Chandler the golden retriever a few nights ago!)

I also spent the longest time away from Elijah on Tuesday as Drew and I drove to Sante Fe, NM to buy a new, used car to replace the new, used lemon we purchased in April. We are the relieved new owners of an 01 Honda Accord...I'm excited about the V6, sunroof, leather (ie: easy baby clean up) seats, and the safety and reliability.

Wednesday we skiied and now we're both sore! Drew is taking a seminary intensive class the rest of our time here in Colorado Springs with lots of reading and driving back and forth. My plans include more snow days and hanging with my family.

Happy New Year to everyone!!!


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Sounds like fun! I'm glad the car saga is over. I love the first belly laugh. I still vividly remember the first time Rory laughed out loud like that.

Okay, so pictures on your blog. What are you doing...or not doing? When I do a new post I just click on the icon to add pictures. I browse for the ones I want (usually I can only do 3 at a time because of the size). Click upload and then wait for a few minutes. I would really love to see photos of your fam...but other than that I have no idea what could be going wrong. I'm no "Geeks on Call."

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Hooray for pictures! What a cutie.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Yay! I'm so glad to see a new post and fun pics on your blog! Elijah looks precious. And I love your house with all the snow! Tell Eli congrats on all his new talents!! And give him a kiss for us. And hugs to your family from us. Can't wait to see you in a week! Love you!

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Hey Linds! I want to see Eli in person so bad! He is sooo cute! I'm sure he has grown tons since I last saw him. We had our friends over that I work with last night with twin boys. One of the twins rolled over from back to stomach at our house for the first time! Fun stuff!! Sounds like Eli is becoming a big boy! Make sure you watch KC's weather for this coming weekend. Right now they are predicting a possible ice storm on Friday! Hopefully not, though, because I am looking forward to seeing you and having my shower! I'll try to call you soon.

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren, thats me!! Thanks for drving. You guys are great. I love the third picture of elijah. he's a cutie. lol. Love you! Glad you're home!!


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