Sunday, January 21, 2007

Going back to school

My school starts tomorrow. It's my third semester at Central Baptist Seminary and I'm taking New Testament II and Christian Heritage (church history) II. I like the intellectual challenges, the alone time in my car driving there, and the growth in my spiritual and scholastic life. I feel called to be doing seminary right now towards a pretty undetermined goal. I have to say all of these things tonight because I've so enjoyed the lack of school stress over the holidays...knowing that there is no homework hanging over my head. I've enjoyed playing with Elijah, watching movies, getting into watching The Office, staying up late to hang out with Drew, reading a 870 page Harry Potter book, and not having to worry about "creating" bottles for Elijah...if you know what I mean. But I'm going back tomorrow. It will be great and I'm excited to learn and be in community. I'm also okay getting back to going because Elijah's babysitters (Grandma Gayle and Daddy) are anxious for me to restart so they can love on him! (The pic is my first day of school picture from last January)


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Stoop'n said...

Have fun at school. I dread ever having to go back, but I am sure I will. Elijah is very lucky to have such wonderful babysitters!!

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Now all you need is the token photo of you wearing your backpack in front of your door. :)

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Have fun going back to school. Hope it all goes well and you learn some good stuff! That grapefruit looks yummy! :)

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

until i started reading i was going to leave you a comment saying that picture was not take today, but you stated at the bottom that it was last year. phew. lol.


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