Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mini Van

It's been almost a year since posting,which yeilds the insight that free time for writing freely and updating the online community about our life has been allocated elsewhere. Might also say something about Lindsey's getting a Facebook profile and enjoying the ease of keeping up with friends that way! Also- Lindsey is bad at remembering passwords.
Enough excuses. Here's the update:

We are an amazingly blessed family. On April 29th, Andi Gayle Grace Osborne was born. She is beautiful and a great baby who is loved by her big brother and parents. Wow...two kids! It's an adventure by which we feel challenged and overjoyed.

Last evening we purchased a 2002 Honda Odessey minivan. Yes, a minivan. Silver. I couldn't go minivan and gold all in one swoop...silver however seems timeless, classy. It's not a pride booster and is in fact pretty humbling in some ways. However, today was my first attempt at going anywhere alone with my two children and the minivan was amazing. The ease of loading is excellent. The drawbacks: skinny parking spaces, being cut off by two other minivans (are there rules to this minivan life?) and that Elijah somehow threw and hid his Croc somewhere in the back!

Life is new, changing, bigger, and good.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Awqix said...

Is there a picture of the Osborne family in the new minivan in our future?

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Ang said...

AHHH! The minivan phase! I hope you found his croc...

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been dying to see little Miss Andi... now I can't wait to meet her! So glad you are doing well!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Congrats on the update! :) I can't wait to see Andi again and your new mini van!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Yay for an update!! And for minivans!! You guys look great in all your pics! Thanks for your blog comments - see you soon!! :)


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