Here we are! The Osborne family. Drew and I were a family obviously before Elijah came but we've grown and changed. Since July 17th I feel like I've been starting over. Learning a new way of doing life in almost every marriage, in school, with Young Life, with running, doing home life...everything has changed! I feel like I'm overwhelmed and out of control most of the time, giving a little bit of myself to a lot of things and sometimes like I'm doing nothing well. I want this to change. I want to start over in the sense of being transformed...into someone less selfish, more loving, more disciplined, one who clings to Christ and lives like Him. So change me Lord, help me start over in all of these roles to be who you're calling me to be in this new stage of life. This is the new reality...forever different from before. But could you help Eli sleep all night so I could learn these lessons on more sleep?
Family shot...Elijah 9 days old...we went on a date and left him with Grandma Sustad!

Elijah Mark Osborne....6lbs 10oz 20 inches long. July 17 11:19 am

He has sooooo many expressions!

No he's not a boxer....he just had a bath! 11 weeks old

Sustad sisters with Elijah in overalls!